

After choosing an essay, 

  • Review the key concepts related to Argumentation in Module 6. 
  • Answer the questions below, using complete sentence and giving examples from the article (using direct quotes) whenever possible. Number your answers to correspond to the questions. 
    1. Introduction: What does the writer do to get your attention in the first sentences? What is the conclusion (thesis, main point)? In other words, what does the writer want you to do or think?
    2. What reasons (premises) does the writer give in the body of the essay to support the conclusion (thesis)?
    3. What counterarguments does the writer include? In other words, where does the writer refute (or argue against) the claims made by the people who disagree with this writers conclusion?
    4. Identify at least two rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, or logos) used by the writer. Copy and paste the exact quote and explain which appeal you think the writer is using in each passage.
    5. How does the writer conclude the essay? Do they create a sense of urgency, repeat main arguments, or something else?