Argumentative essay

I need these assignments for 2 different students with the same teacher so you will give me 2 different copies, YOU NEED TO CHOOSE 2 DIFFERENT SUBJECT FOR EACH ONE.


Essay 3 Instructions

Write a six full pages argumentative essay in which you interpret the movie No Country for Old Men. Use one of the following titles as the title of your essay:

Hunting for Men and Meaning in No Country for Old Men

The Country in No Country for Old Men

Generations (Degeneration?) in No Country for Old Men

Tools of Fate in No Country for Old Men

Self and Other in No Country for Old Men

Make a claim based on the title of your essay. Support your claim by referring to the movie and, if you like, other writers claims about the movie. Make your essay as meaningful as you can. Type it in MLA format.

Here are some general criteria for grading:

–The claim is well supported: 1) with good quotation(s), 2) perhaps with more than one support.

–The opposing view is stated in a good direct quotation.

–The opposing view is satisfactorily answered. 

–The opposing audience is not insulted, called ignorant or blind, or accused of “failing to see.” 

–The essay effectively concludes by finding common ground. (See below.)

–The essay is typed in MLA format and the Works Cited page is in order.

–The essay meets the minimum page requirement.

–Quotations and citations are all in order.

** Problems with plagiarism, citations, or incorrect sources may result in a grade of 60% or 0%. **