argumentative or explorative essay


Topic 1 Defining Immigration Policy in The United States

Immigration policy has been a topic of much debate, and even more so since Donald Trump took office. Research past and present immigration policies in the United States and Mexico. (Research past immigration laws and their effect). In your opinion, what has worked and what hasnt worked? What will work in the future? Write an argumentative essay based on your research. What should the immigration policy be in your opinion and why? Use your research to back up your claim. 

Write a  argumentative or explorative essay. (Well discuss the difference.) This essay must be 4-5 pages long, not counting your work cited page. You must include 3-4 secondary sources in addition to your primary source (the article, book, or movie). The essay must be in MLA/APA format and free from errors in mechanics.  The essay must be an essay where you attempt to argue a certain position of thought or an explorative essay where youll write about what you found out in you research and what youve come to believe is the best or truest answer to the question you pose 


Essay Requirements:

Clear, well-defined thesis and clear, vivid, detailed support for thesis

Must clearly establish significance of topic/thesis for a general, educated audience: So What?

Must be a multi-genre essay, combining multiple genres of writing to achieve your purpose; i.e. narration, description, profile, argumentation

At least one interview. The interview can already exist on YouTube or TedTalk, or can be conducted in person. Use the interview consent form. 

Your essay may be multi-module, where you include links, lyrics, graphs, poetry, etc. 

Must be organized using Delayed Thesis Structure, Question-Claim Structure, or Structure for Argument

Must effectively triangulate data/information:

o Must include data/evidence from field observations

o Must include direct quotes and paraphrases from at least one interview

o Must include a 3-4 secondary sources

Minimum length 4 pages (not counting Works Cited)

MLA format throughout (document design, in-text citations, Works Cited)

A creative and original title following research titling conventions (Ex. I Met my Wife On Match: The Digitization of Close Human Relationships)

Clear, engaging, and error free