Argumentative Research paper on Getting a 4-Year College Degree: Is worth the cost?


Title: Getting a 4-Year College Degree: Is worth the cost?

I need a 4 page plus work cited page done.*** This assignment must be a  ARGUMENTAL RESEARCH PAER abot “Getting a 4-Year College Degree: Is worth the cost?” pnly using the sources that I have attached” Must include at least 10 sources. I need at least 1 primary source. Can you use the three sources below and choose 7 from attachment.


Grant, Tim. Rising College Costs Push Students to Technical Schools. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (PA), 13 June 2014. EBSCOhost, .

Higher education has become an unaffordable expense. College is now the second-largest expense an individual is likely to make in a lifetime. This creates dialogue about credit and financial literacy. According to research, purchasing a home should be the biggest expense aside from starting a business. However, the amount of debt one accumulated receiving an education hinders their debt-to-income which restricts them from building assets and equity while enabling more liabilities. There are a few exceptions. Those who are expected to have hundreds of thousands in student loans are those who make hundreds of thousands in annual income I.e. Doctors, Lawyers, Architects. Even they get a break because there are programs designed to allow them to purchase expensive homes. Meanwhile, the average employee with a degree has $80,000 in student loan debt while making an average of $50,000. Therefore, I agree with (Grant, 2014). An expensive college gives you the knowledge needed, but Vocational and Technical Schools allows you to be hands-on. This individual can apply for employment with having the proper trading. 

Ho, J. D. College Education and Student Loan Debt: An Overview. Points of View: College Education & Student Loan Debt, Dec. 2018, p. 1. EBSCOhost, doi:10.3331/pov_us_2017_20170407_17.

The cost of attending college continues to go up. Having various options like grants, scholarships, loans to assist with those who arent fortunate to receive a free education. This gives low-income families hope for their children to attend school too. The issues lies when the students and families are unable to repay the loans creating a default. It would be even better if a financial class was taught to us in high school during our junior and senior years. This should be a requirement course that both students and parents take to understanding how to cover the gap cost after pell grant has been exhausted. I believe if we knew how much debt would be accumulated before we have a job then a lot of students would have a more realistic outcome on school and major. 

LYONS, M. Which colleges pay off the least in the long run? Dayton Daily News (OH)[s. l.], 18 jul. 2017. Disponvel em: . 

College is supposed to be an investment. However, its unlikely to plan for life and circumstances that may transpire and cause an interruption to our goals. This article shows that a person who is on their job for a decade makes an average of $33,000. Meanwhile, youre repaying more than double for the bachelors degree. These are just numbers from Ohio. What about those who live in more expensive states like California? The conversation is needed. Are we spending more on education to only land standard paying jobs? There are numerous careers that doesnt require a degree and make six figures. These are careers that are often not mentioned in school during career day I.e. Barber, Beautician, Flight Attendant, Pilot, IT Tech, Bloggers. The military is a great tool thats also often dismissed. This is a program that serves our country, takes care of families, allows home purchases, pays 100% of your education, gives sign on bonuses, and allows an individual to retire before 40 years of age. An education is a tool no one can take from you, but it isnt the only way to success.