- What is modernism, and how does Greenberg use the term? Is his use different that you expect? If so, how does it differ? What are the features of Greenberg’s modernism?
- Summarize or re-phrase Greenberg’s second paragraph, “The essence of Modernism…” What should modern art do, according to Greenberg? What examples does he give? How is painting criticizing itself? (paragraph 2)
- In Paragraph 6 (“It quickly emerged…”) Greenberg states that “The task of self-criticism became to eliminate from the specific effects of each art any and every effect that might conceivably be borrowed from or by the medium of any other art.” Restate his point in your own words, and paraphrase the examples he gives of painting’s attempts to “purify” itself in the following paragraphs. (Paragraphs 5-10)
- When Greenberg says, “one sees a Modernist picture as a picture first” what does he mean? How is he using the word “picture”? (paragraph 9)
- What elements of painting does Greenberg find the most essential? How does he use the term “norms”? What do you think he means by that? (paragraphs 8, 14)
- Why does Greenberg spend so much of the last half of the article emphasizing the continuity of Modernism with previous art? (paragraphs 19 and following)
Evaluation: 25 points total
- Shows a good faith effort to understand and engage with the content of the articles
- Uses specific examples–quotes or paraphrases and references to paragraph numbers
- Comes up with an interpretation of the text and gives supported reasons for that interpretation
- Asks a question about the text that is germane and shows close reading