Art Discussion

1. Art during the Industrial Revolution was divided into three main categories. These categories were “romanticism”, “impressionism”, and “realism”. What are the differences between the three types of art from this revolution? Which is your favorite type and why? Choose a piece of art from the category you picked, attach a picture, and tell us why you were drawn to it.  

2. Talk about how the Neoclassical age affected architecture, and what is this phase referred too (this would be the the Roman phase)? Find a picture of a building that used this style, as it mentions in the book you can find one of the building In almost any city and it also dominated government buildings! Make some connections with the examples in the book.

3. In chapter 22 we learn of two different styles of cubism, analytical and synthetic. Of these two styles which do you think better represents the ideas of art in the early twentieth century. After explain which of the two do you find to better speak to you (using an example from or outside the book).