Art Project

 Aesthetic Project (10%) Purpose: 

The purpose of the aesthetic project is to allow the student an opportunity to demonstrate the essence of caring between nurse and nursed. A photo or scan of the project must be uploaded through the Assignment tab to be shared as a class presentation. 

A written summary of the aesthetic must accompany the project. Both the presentation and the summary must address the criteria indicated with an *.

 Aesthetic Project: Grading Rubric Criteria Points 

The aesthetic project artform-must be something created or located (dance, poem, an original music score, story, bible verse, existing artwork, etc) 30 *

Describe in a one-two page written summary and present your work  to the class: The motivation for choosing this artform 30 

The meaning/symbolism of your work 30

 How this assignment deepened your understanding of nursing as caring 30

 How the process of creating your aesthetic project may help you to respond to future calls to nursing using the concepts of caring science