

  1. Based on the façade photo and cross section drawing of a timber-frame hall here, please answer the following questions. (15points)

– Question #1: Label the location of these parts on the façade picture: 1), four main parts of the building composition, 2) three major types of bracket-sets.

– Question #2: By observing both images, what are the numbers of bays of the building, in

transversal and longitudinal directions respectively? (2px2=4points)




Cross Section:


  1. Match the photos (1, 2, 3) and according drawings (a. b. c) of the three major types of Buddhist architecture that were introduced from India and readapted to China’s contexts: (5points)


1)  2)  3)

  1. b. c.


Type:_____________              Type:_____________              Type:_____________