

Diabetes and Sarcopenic Obesity: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatments


Vitamin B12 in Health and Disease:


Same instructions as last time. For each article you will provide a description of how you or someone you care for can incorporate what you learned from the article into your or their lives. For example, after reading the sarcopenia article I discovered that you can increase your risk of developing diabetes if you use or have used steroids. Due to my years of military service, sports, and genetics I have spinal cord issues. Because of my spinal cord issues, I have had to use many steroid treatments. I was unaware of that risk until I read this article. Since that increases my risk for diabetes, I will continue to watch my simple sugar intake (I love sugar), maintain a healthy weight, continue to exercise, increase my soluble fiber intake, etc. I am sharing something personal to help you see what I am looking for in the application part of the assignment. Do not use the same point that I provided to you as an example.

For each article I also want you to pick three scientific words from the article that you do not know the meaning of. I then want you to look up the definition and put in your own words the meaning of that word. Do not just copy and paste the definition! If you do you will miss significant points.

For example: ectopic fat is defined by excess adipose tissue in locations not classically associated with adipose tissue storage. That is a definition that I found online however I need to put it in my own words. I will now put that ectopic fat in my own words. Ectopic fat: Typically, fat is stored as triglycerides in adipose cells throughout the body but when fat is in excess or in certain conditions like insulin resistance, fat can be stored on top of tissues and organs. One example of this is the liver can have ectopic fat on it leading to a decrease in the livers function.

This how your assignment submission will look like when you are done:

Diabetes and Sarcopenic Obesity: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatments

  • After reading the sarcopenia article I discovered that you can increase your risk of developing diabetes if you use or have used steroids. Due to my years of military service, sports, and genetics I have spinal cord issues. Because of my spinal issues, I have had to use many steroid treatments. I was unaware of that risk until I read this article. Since I am at risk for diabetes, I will continue to watch my simple sugar intake (I love sugar), maintain a healthy weight, continue to exercise, increase my soluble fiber intake, etc.
  1. Ectopic fat: typically, fat is stored as triglycerides in adipose cells throughout the body but when fat is in excess or in certain conditions like insulin resistance fat can be stored on top of tissues and organs. One example of this is the liver can have ectopic fat on it leading to a decrease in the livers function.
  2. Another scientific word and your definition
  3. Another scientific word and your definition

Vitamin B12 in Health and Disease:

Your application point

The selected three words and your definition of each word. Make sure to number each definition.