Article Summaries

  I need ten (10) of the following assignments.

Environmental scanning is a useful tool to create awareness and knowledge of how 

information relates to current environmental conditions. It is usually specific 

to a topic. For this course the topic is microeconomics, or any aspect 

of that topic that is discussed in the text. The process involves perusing and 

gathering articles from various media sources that pertain to that topic. The 

sources must be as reliable as possible and should be current (not more than one 

week old if possible). Sources can include all news web sites, business 

databases from the library web site, newspaper and magazine sites, and any other 

source that can provide up-to-date, reliable information. The article does not 

necessarily have to apply to any particular chapter information, it just needs 

to pertain to (micro)economics in some way. This should be specified in 

the summary and/or the impact statement. The whole purpose of this is to tie the 

text book to real life and to explain how the economy affects all 

of us in various ways. The process includes preparing a page of information that

includes the following:

1. The title of the article

2. The source of the article

3. The date of the article

4. The url for the article

5. The author of the article

6. A good, strong summary of the article

7. An explanation as to how the information in that article could possibly 

impact you, now or in the future.

This information can be transposed onto a word document and then deposited in 

the drop box whenever you decide to do this. These count 20 points each and any 

article over ten will count as extra credit. The criteria for grading these is: 

the article can be no older than 7 days, it must be from a reliable source, you 

much include all the information required, and the submission must have your 

name on it. If you are working with a team this can be a team project, so only 

ten are required by the entire team (not each person individually). If there are

any questions about this or if there is anything you do not understand, please

ask me and I will attempt to explain. 

Below is a sample:

Title of Article: More Restaurants Are Banning Tips. That Might Be A Good Thing.
