Article summary


 Purpose of this Assignment Being able to summarize something you have read is a key skill in both academia and the workplace. Being able to distill the key points in a document helps you to succinctly speak or write to whats worth notingsaving your audience the time and effort of having to plow through the original document or a lengthy retelling of it. Your Task Summarize the assigned article. capturing its main ideas and using no more than 20% of the original article’s word count.


1.Format 1 margins; 12 pt. Times New Roman; title page as per template provided in Moodle; word counts provided; footer as per template provided in Moodle; page numbers in the header, right-aligned 

2.Reference APA formatted Reference entry 

3.Summary 20% of original length; logical order; key ideas identified and presented clearly; original phrasing; no opinions 

 4.Readability Clear, concise, and coherent; plain English; aligns with the conventions of Standard English (no grammar, punctuation, or spelling errors); professional, conversational tone; single-themed paragraphs 

Article source: Christensen, L., Gittleson, J., & Smith, M. (2020, August 7). The most fundamental skill: Intentional learning and the career advantage. McKinsey Quarterly. 

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