Article Summary

Food and Beverage Management
The size of the global food and beverage industry is a staggering $6 trillion. While this number can be tough to comprehend, it illustrates the impact food and beverage has on the overall global economy. In stark comparison the size of United States golf industry at $84 billion remains a fraction of the country’s size of the food and beverage industry at $1 trillion. For the club and golf industry to sustain its growth and attraction to an increasingly diverse clientele, food and beverage services should be prioritized to help leverage the size and reach of this complimenting industry.

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I found the following study quite interesting as it relates to the important role food and beverage service play in building brand prestige at a private country club. The purpose of the following study proposed that five attributes of a private country club form brand prestige, which include: golf course conditions; service quality during a round; food and beverage cart service; golf shop, and clubhouse food and beverage service. All attributes, with the exception to food and beverage cart service, helped to enhance brand prestige. Other findings from this study illustrate the important role clubhouse food and beverage service plays in the health of the private club.

Similarly, the hotel industry leverages food and beverage services the same way through a targeted approach to enhance the overall brand prestige of the enterprise. Enjoy reading the following article which speaks loudly to the benefits of focussing on brand prestige and its connection to the food and beverage space in the private club setting.

A strategy for the development of the private country club- Focusing on brand prestige.pdf  download

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You learned from the previous article that food and beverage cart service did not play a role in enhancing the brand prestige of the private country club. This following article does offer some interesting implications specific to this service method, and ways to increase revenue generation from this service type.

Convenience carts- on course to provide food and beverage service.pdf download

As with many of the departments within a hospitality enterprise revenues fluctuate with demand. While efforts to maximize strengths and mitigate weaknesses help operators to get the most out of their departments, occasionally outside factors pose threats that are out of our control. The following article examines the impact an economic downturn had on the food and beverage department within private clubs during 2008-2010. For some of you, this economic downturn occurred prior to the start of your careers in hospitality. The lessons learned from experiencing this downturn as a manager has certainly created greater perspective for those still in the industry today. 

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Food and beverage levels during the 20082010 economic downturn in clubs .pdf  download 

The following article shares the impact of our most recent economic down turn spurred by our global pandemic. As you have experienced and read about, the food and beverage industry took a major setback due to our recent pandemic. What I appreciate about the next article is the effort shared to create opportunity from this experience, and to use the challenges of present day to help advance the operation with future creative offerings. (Links to an external site.)

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Are golfers’ attitudes about food and beverage service different than that of customers experiencing hospitality at another enterprise? An argument can be made that food and beverage services offered at similar property types and facility settings are not unique. But perhaps the motivations and attitudes of the customer toward food and beverage service provide greater variability for operators to consider? I found the following article very interesting, and the research was funding by a leading beverage company which aims to use this study to inform targeted marketing and segmentation of golfers.

Segmenting Golfers by Their Attitudes Toward Food and Beverage Service Available During Play.pdf  download