As an Individual what are your Individual and Civic Responsibilities when it comes to your Personal Health?

socio-cultural considerations were identified and discussed as playing a role in ones health. Some of these individual and social considerations are listed below:

1.    COVID – Vaccination

2.    HIV/AIDS

3.    Drug abuse

4.    Cocaine

5.    Marijuana

6.    Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) and other Hallucinogens

7.    Crystal Meth

8.    Prescription Drugs

9.    Tobacco and Alcohol Abuse

10.  Violence and Intentional Injury

11.  Teen pregnancy

12.  Sexually transmitted diseases (STD)

13.  Obesity

14.  Infection from Corona Virus

Please write about these factors and how they affect or can influence ones personal/family health and how these factors affect all of us as a society at large.

You must express your own opinion on the impact of these issues at both the individual/family level as well as the societal level. In other words, how does each of these factors affect your individual/family health and how do they affect the overall health of the society?