As you have learned so far in this course, the applied research project may be best described as the creation, development, or improvement of a product (e.g., a curriculum, training manual, an approac

As you have learned so far in this course, the applied research project may be best described as the creation, development, or improvement of a product (e.g., a curriculum, training manual, an approach to teaching a skill, etc.) which has immediate applicability in the student’s chosen profession or which is related to a strong personal or professional objective of the student. For this discussion, you will be reviewing a completed applied research study, paying close attention to the data collection section of the proposal. You may select one from the assigned readings of the week or find one at  that connects to your current or future professional goals. 

  • First, provide the link and full APA citation of the research study you reviewed.
  • Next, in a few words, provide a brief overview of the study.
  • Describe the data collection techniques used in the study and provide the “so what” from the data collected.
  • Then discuss what your takeaways are from reviewing the applied research study. What are you still confused about in the process of writing an applied research proposal?  Support your answer with the readings from this Unit as well as applied knowledge from your own experience. (Stating you have no questions is not an option.

Reading Assignment 

1. Albez, C. & Ada, S. (2017, April) School administrator’s skills in organizing the parent participation studies. Journal of Education and Training Studies, (5)4 p165-177. 

  • The objective of this study was to ascertain administrator, teacher and parent opinions on the level of school administrators’ skills in organizing parent participation efforts.

2. Dupuis, D. ( 2015). The association between elementary school start time and students’ academic achievement in Wayzata public schools.

  • The Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI) conducted two analyses for the purpose of examining the association between elementary school start time and students’ academic achievement in mathematics and reading in Wayzata Public Schools.

3. Holmes, K. (2017). Research at colleges in Ontario: Learning from the past and looking towards the future. College Quarterly, v20.n3.

  • This article provides history and context for the emergence of Ontario colleges as institutions engaging in applied research activities, examines the barriers and limitations that researchers at Ontario colleges face, and identifies some implications for research practice at Ontario colleges in the future.

4. Homsin, N.; Chantarasombat, C.; & Yeamsang, T. ( 2015). The result of developing secondary school students’ public conscience through process-knowledge management in Thailand. International Education Studies, (8)7. 240-249.

  • This research uses Mixed-Methodology applied research and development together with participatory action research.

5. Rakhimzhanova, L; Issabayeva, D.; Khakimova, T; & Bolyskhanova, M. (2015) Methodical approaches to the teaching of computer modeling in computer science course. International Education Studies, (8)8, 166-173.

  • The purpose of this study was to examine the formation technique of representation of modeling methodology in computer science lessons.

6. Stark, E. ( 2013, Fall-Win). Real-life solutions to real-life problems: Collaborating with a non-profit foundation to engage honors students in applied research. Journal of National Collegiate Honors Council. (14)2, 129-145.

  • Applied research opportunities for honors students were incorporated in two different settings: a course on research methods and an independent study research experience. Each approach was successful at building students’ confidence in their research skills, giving them experience with applied research practices, and broadening their understanding of what constitutes research. This article describes the pros and cons of each approach and provides recommendations for how to form connections with community groups.