Ashworth BU490 – ASSIGNMENT 08 Business Ethics

ASSIGNMENT 08BU490 Business EthicsDirections: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to AshworthCollege for grading. Unless otherwise stated answer in complete sentences and be sure to usecorrect English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your responseshould be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the “Assignment Format” page located on theCourse Home page for specific format requirements.Respond to the items below.1. What is traditional utilitarianism? With traditional utilitarianism how do you determinewhat the moral thing to do on any particular occasion might be? Include mention of thefour (4) considerations to determine what the moral thing to do on any particular occasionmight be.2. Why is utilitarianism attractive to many? Discuss three (3) reasons.3. What is the ecological ethic?4. How does utilitarianism support the ecological ethic?5. Access the following article using Ashworth College’s ProQuest library resources:Anthony R. (2012). Building a Sustainable Future for Animal Agriculture: AnEnvironmental Virtue Ethic of Care Approach within the Philosophy of Technology.Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25.2 123-144 found at: To access ProQuest articles you MUST first open a Web browser window to theAshworth College Library; otherwise you will be denied access to the articles when youclick the links. Once your browser is open to the Ashworth College Library simply clickon the link for the article you need to read.After reading this article discuss the following: How has the dominant philosophy of technology seeded particular ethicalconsequences that plague the well-being of human beings the planet and farmanimals? Do you agree with the author that we should accord an environmental virtue ethic ofcare–understood as caretaking? Why or why not? Provide at least two supportingreasons. Grading RubricPlease refer to the rubric below for the grading criteria for this assignment.