Journey to the Beginning
1.Guns, Germs, and Steel-Jared Diamond-Chapter 1-
W.W. Norton & Company, New York
2.Harvest of Empire-Juan Gonzalez-Chapter 1-
Penguin Books, New York
3.Constructions Construed Thomas A. DuBois-
Amerasia Journal, Volume 19, Number 3-1993-
UCLA Asian American Studies Center Publishers
4.The Structure of Dual Domination-L. Ling-chi
Wang-Amerasia Journal,Volume21,Number1&2-1995-
UCLA Asian American Studies Center Publishers
(choose two of them to read)
Twilight of Feudalism
5. A Concise History of China-Jian Bozan,Shao
Xunzheng,Hu Hua-Chapter:Modern Period,
Chapter:Contemporary Period-Foreign
Languages Press,Beijing, China
6. A Peoples History of the U.S.-Howard Zinn-
Chapter 11,Robber Barons & Rebels-Harper Collins, New York
7. Sons of the Yellow Emporor-Lynn PanChapter 3,Floodtide-Kodansha Intl., New York
8. Smuggled Chinese-Ko-lin Chin-Chapters 1 & 2
Temple University Press, Philadelphia
(choose two of them)
What have you learned in this class? This is the only one requirement.