Assessment 3 Innovation Project (Project Part-B) (food waste)

 they want 2 journals about 1100 words   

Harvard Reference all your Journals


Apply the design-thinking framework 

(Empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test (EDIPT) to create a solution for the focus problem).

Please remember that design thinking is a mindset and approach to learning, collaboration, and problem solving. In practice, the design process is a structured framework for identifying challenges, gathering information, generating potential solutions, refining ideas, and testing solutions. You are required to iterate the process to reach a successful solution

Refer to Assessment to for backgrounds and ideas for our solutions


Use the lenses of difference to explain the (social / psycho / spiritual) aspects of the problem.

Explain your prototype solution and provide a schematic diagram for it. Your diagram should demonstrate how the solution really works. Describe the innovative aspects of your solution. 

i will upload assessment 2 that related this assessment and the task of assessment 3