

INSTRUCTIONS: In no less than 1,500 and no more than 50,000 words in complete and succinct sentences, word-processed or typed, and coherent paragraphs, respond to at least three of the questions below. Use your own words and examples, pertinent charts, graphs and cartoons to communicate the content and meaning you intend. Answer at least 4 of the 8 questions up to 100 points. More answers for possibly increased points (200). 

DUE: March 19, 2021 Midnight.

1. When the USA President Biden authorized attack on Syrian-based Iranian military units in March what was the justification and the response of Iran and Syria? 

2. Why is the fact that President Biden nominates, the Senate interviews under close scrutiny and with all tax related information of nominees required, and we the people are free to know a great deal about each candidate considered Post-Trump extraordinary.?

3. Should the USA government more effectively participate in and promote the World Trade Organization (WTO) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) and all related multi-lateral trade relationships to improve the USAs relationships in the world?

4. Explain why and by what means have many prisoners in the Guantanamo Military Base (USA jurisdiction) gained access to trials in the Federal Court in Southern New York, instead of Military Tribunal in Guantanamo.

5 Explain EXACTLY how the Covid19 1.9 trillion dollar legislation that just was passed and signed into law addresses not only relief from pandemic impacts on al Americans but also will reduce poverty among children, limited access to health care, and many infrastructure deficiencies suffered by many Americas.

6. What are the potential impacts and implications of a Congress with Democratic majority in the House and in the Senate – that began in January 2021?

7. Why would Republican majority state legislatures seek to limit voter access to mail in voting, demand more identification, limit pre-election access to voting, when it was proven that the 2021 elections were the safest, most secure and accurate in history?

8. What was notable about President Bidens first address to nation March10?

Thanks for your conscientious scholarly investment of time, talent and innovation.

   DUE Midnight, 3/19/21