assigment #1


Please choose one of the following topics and write an analysis on the topic. Augmented Reality OR Artificial Intelligence. You must find a scholarly article and an additional article on your chosen topic and relate it to marketing. How can these Innovative Technologies help marketing?

Please FOLLOW the Syllabus Guidelines!!!

All assignments MUST be in proper APA format. See sample APA paper posted in Module 1 or the library if you need assistance with APA. Do note, if you choose to work in Google docs make sure you transfer correctly to a word document before submission and check APA. Google docs is known for causing errors in spacing and formatting. This is YOUR responsibility to ensure the correct document is submitted for grading. Each assignment is expected to be a MINIMUM of 2 full pages in length (this DOES NOT include the title page, abstract, or references). Any submission that is not APA formatted or a minimum of 2 full pages will receive a ZERO. Doing just the MINIMUM will NOT earn you an A on the assignments. Please email questions or clarifications in a timely manner. Unanswered questions are not an excuse for a late submission. Late work is not accepted.