assignment 1

Please read Chapter 22, Sections I and II. I have attached the reading.
The assignment will be to brief the case Jacobson v. Massachussetts at page 1532.

Document must be 12-point Times New Roman, double spaced, both margins justified.

Please use the elements in this Case Brief Grading Rubric as your headings: 
Element            Points / Guideline (10 Points Available)

Facts                0-1:  Facts presented are relevant to the issue being examined by the court.

Issue                0-2:  A well crafted, grammatically correct question identifying the issue being examined by the court.

Rule                0-1:  Rule of law (include all elements) that governs the case is quoted.

Analysis            0-3:  The courts reasoning is presented in a clear and logical fashion, leading the reader to an understanding how the court applied (all elements of) the rule of law to the facts of the case.

Conclusion      0-1:  A succinct statement leading the reader to an understanding of who prevailed in the litigation, what occurred procedurally as a result, and the effect of the holding on the existing rule.

Public Policy    0-2:  A succinct statement of what impact, if any, the decision has on health policy or public policy. Is the case wisely decided? Does the decision uphold or extend a sound health policy or public policy? Why or why not? What are the legal and policy ramifications?