Part A: Reflection Write up Directions
Respond to the following questions in essay form and submit to the corresponding assignment link on D2L. This part is a reflection assignment so you can use “personal pronouns” (ex: I learned, I felt etc).
- Give a 1-2 paragraph summary of your experiential activity (what was it about? What was involved? What was the take-away?)
- What cultural, ethnic, value or identity issue did this activity relate to? Reflect on how this identity can impact the health of individuals that represent this population.
- What is a major challenge that this population faces and how can you as a social justice advocate work to reduce it or raise awareness of that issue?
- What are two major lessons or takeaways from this activity and how they will help you personally and professionally?
- How did the activity impact you? What were your thoughts/feelings during the event?
- If you had the opportunity to do this assignment again, would your activity selection be different? Why or why not?
Part B: Discussion Board Entry Directions
Use formal writing (avoid personal pronouns)
- Initial Post (30 points)
- Provide your peers with a short summary of your experiential activity (event title? what was it about? What was involved? What population is involved? What was the take-away?)
- Briefly discuss a major challenge this population faces and how that impacts their health and wellbeing? (be sure to connect this to our readings to date and support with one credible source)
- Share one lesson/take-away you had from this experiential activity? And how those in your profession can benefit from also learning this lesson/take-away? (ex: if a nursing major – specifically talk about how nurses can do this) HERE my major is public health, so please write about the public health professional
- How can this event be used to raise awareness of the lived experience and/or the issues this population faces? include who should attend and why
- Provide a discussion prompt for your peers to respond to