
Use two evidence-based models to address a practice problem and respond the
questions below in essay format. Be sure to integrate readings from at least 5
peer-reviewed articles. APA 7th edition format, references must be within 4 years.
Provide plagiarism reports for both initial post and student replies.
As staff nurses and leaders in various patient care areas, you are members of your
institutionā€™s EBP for Quality Care and Outcomes Team. The Risk Management
Committee uses chart reviews and other review mechanisms to collect data about
designated patient care, practice issues, patient safety, adherence to institutional policy
and procedure, and outcomes. The Committee reports data and trends to your team.
Their recent report trended inadequate/incomplete documentation of surgical time-out
procedures (i.e., preoperative review among patient and surgical team to verify right
patient, right surgery, right location, etc.).
Writing Prompts
1. What are the differences between the Stetler Model of Research
Utilization to Facilitate EBP and The Iowa Model of
Evidence-based Practice to Promote Quality Care? Do they seem
to oppose or complement each other?
2. Think about the scenario above. How did you use the data to
decide the problem/trigger?
3. What decisions and outcomes do you anticipate?
4. How did you use each model? What institutional stakeholders will
be involved? What were your thoughts at various decision points?
5. What were your conclusion decisions about use of the evidence in
6. Within your practice system, how will you communicate and
disseminate the evidence and your review process?
7. Who will be responsible for applying/implementing your
8. What outcomes do you plan to measure and monitor?
9. What do you think that practice in the problem area will look like in
six months? In one year?
10.What barriers will you encounter to connect research to practice?
What are your roles to address those barriers?
Submission Guidelines
Write a 4-5 page paper in proper APA style format.
Only doc, docx, and odt file types are accepted – PDF files are not accepted. You may
download Microsoft Office for free under Pages.