
Alamo Colleges SWOT Analysis


The overall top five Alamo Colleges strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the Alamo Colleges appear in the following chart.




Top 5 Strengths




Instruction quality


Programs offerings


Economic and workforce development


Programs offerings




Top 5 Weaknesses


Communication (internal; external)


Collaboration between district and colleges






Employee support (benefits, development)



Top 5 Opportunities


Articulation agreements with four-year institutions


Workforce needs (capitalize on workforce demands for emerging industry programs, trained/skilled workers by existing and incoming industries/companies)


Technology (demand for new technologies; distance education; etc.)


Annexation leading to increased enrollment

and revenue


Establish/strengthen partnerships



Top 5 Threats


Funding reductions


Competition from other higher education institutions


Student/citizen issues (poor preparation, illiteracy, LEP)


High school misalignment with colleges


Accreditation requirements