
 I NEED 55 MADEUP  PsychiatricPATIENTS like the 2 SAMPLEs below . Thanks!

TK 50-year-Old female caucasian presents to the clinic with chief complaints “I am here for my annual appointment.” The patient stated that she had been seeing a psychiatrist since 1995. She had been diagnosed with PTSD, anxiety, depression, and ADD and reported a history of addiction. The patient had been unemployed since 2019 due to mood fluctuation, especially in the specific situation. Per the patient, “I break down crying from situations that are not reasonable to break down in,” “I am conscious and aware of emotions, and know it is not reasonable.” patient verbalized that trauma therapy helps her with dissociation and that she have needling tingling sensations and feeling of pushing on the chest when having PTSD symptoms”. Also, with her anxiety, depression, and ADD in the past. She has trouble staying asleep currently. She reports doing well but continues to have mild depressive symptoms. She rates her anxiety a 7 out of 10. She reports not having an episode of a panic attack but sometime might have difficulty breathing. She denies having suicidal and homicidal ideation. Report sleeping well. The patient’s past and present diagnoses include; F33.1 Major depressive disorder, Recurrent episode, Moderate, F43.10 Posttraumatic stress disorder, F10.21 Alcohol Use Disorder, Moderate, in early or sustained remission. Patient to continue taking Wellbutrin 150mg 1 tab daily, and My preceptor added Sertraline 50mg 1 tab PO daily  for the patient to take for anxiety.


2 FB 64 years old, black female American presents to the clinic seeking continuity of psychiatric treatment and with cc” I have increased hypomania.” The patient’s previous psychiatrist is retiring after 20years of treating the patient’s depression and anxiety. The patient had taken various antipsychotic and mood stabilizers in the past, which include Amitriptyline, nortriptyline, Paxil, Lithium Seroquel, Wellbutrin, mirtazapine, Ambien, and a few others that the patient couldn’t remember or have a record of it. The patient is currently taking 200mgs of Zolof per day (100mgs 2x daily), 5mg Buspar Bid PRN, and Trazodone 50mg 1 tab daily. The patient complained of occasional anxiety and hypomania that sometimes impacted her work for 2-3 days. The patient stated that she had abruptly stopped taking her prescribed Levothyroxine (thyroid medication). My preceptor encouraged the patient to continue taking her meds, including the Synthroid and return in 2 weeks  to be reevaluated because  the root cause for the patient’s recent hypomania exacerbation may be due to non-compliance to the Synthroid.