Design a Dashboard for Hospital Census
Create a dashboard that includes the current hospital census and 6 factors that impact the hospital census. For this assignment, you will need to include how you would display the result (hospital census is the number of patients currently admitted to a hospital). What graph, chart, or image would you use? What are 6 factors that affect hospital census (check out the following article( ) for some ideas) and what type of graph, chart, or image would you use to communicate these metrics? Provide a wireframe (sketch or drawing) or a mockup (a non-functional picture of what it would look like).
Purpose: For the design and layout process, determining what message is needed precedes adding charts or graphs to a dashboard. Starting with the result, decide what factors the audience of your dashboard would want to see (note here: you may want to write out who your audience would be).
Criteria for success: A paragraph that includes the main result for the hospital census and what type of graph, chart, or image would be used. The paragraph would describe 6 factors that affect hospital census and what graphs, charts or images would be used for each of these. A picture that shows the layout in a wireframe (drawing or sketch) or a mockup would be included.