Assignment 2

Only complete this area but I am sharing the entire assignment for reference:

  annotated bibliography of  5  recent and relevant sources

  narrative essay of your interviews with technology users and experts

  technology summary that provides the top  five  technologies you would recommend for transforming nursing or enhancing healthcare outcomes

The Entire Assignment

The record should include the following:

  the date each activity was completed

  your electronic signature verifying that all activities have been completed

Note: The CPE Record should be uploaded as a separate attachment and should not be included in your e-portfolio.

B.  Upload all of the following required deliverables to your e-portfolio and provide a link to the e-portfolio:

  CPE schedule table of tasks and timelines

  annotated bibliography of  5  recent and relevant sources

  narrative essay of your interviews with technology users and experts

  technology summary that provides the top  five  technologies you would recommend for transforming nursing or enhancing healthcare outcomes

  three screenshots to document your Phase 1 GoReact video reflection, that includes an image of your reflection video and an image for each of your peer responses

  a brief, written reflection summary of your video reflection below your screenshot

  completed Summary Yrs_RN worksheet

  completed Summary Tot_Scores worksheet

  completed Summary Demographic worksheet

  completed Summary Responses worksheet

  completed Pivot Table Education Level by Work Setting

  completed Pivot Table Age Group by Race

  completed Bar Chart on the Mode on all questions on the Barriers Survey

  completed Pie Chart of Age Group

  completed Sunburst Chart of Sex

  completed Column Chart of Education Level

  completed Funnel Chart of Race

  completed Treemap Chart of Work Setting

  three screenshots to document your Phase 3 GoReact video reflection, that includes an image of your reflection video and an image for each of your peer responses

  a brief, written reflection summary of your video reflection below your screenshot

Note: The files for Phases 2 and 3 should be uploaded as screenshots.