Assignment 4: Creative Process III: Principals of Choreography


Assignment 4: Creative Process III: Principals of Choreography 

Due Date: Wednesday, February 24 by 11:59 p.m. (0-10 Total Pts.) 

Learning Outcome: Learning the principles of choreography using real life strategies.

Required Reading:

Required Video: 

Instructions: Read the required dance magazine article. Select one of the YouTube videos. 

Create a power point explaining the following: 

(1) What video did you viewed and why.  

(2) What did you learn from the video?. 

(3) Pretend you are a choreographer and create your own choreography describing your creative process. Students should also select a piece of music, title your piece, explain what style of movement use in your choreography, indicate a theme or main idea. Other elements you could include: costumes, venue, number of dancers in piece, hair and make-up options.  

Be creative and have fun! Post your assignment to Blackboard Discussion by the due date and respond to 2 classmates within 48 hours of the due date.