Please type the questions in bold black ink using Calibri Body with 12 point font (-10 if incorrect). Please type the answers in regular black ink, not bold or any other color using Calibri Body with 12 point font (-10 if incorrect). Please use proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar (-1 point for every error). Create 20 critical thinking questions and answers from Tissues, Part 1: Crash Course A&P #2 with the time of 10 minutes and 42 seconds on You Tube Video. This means that no credit will be given for true or false questions, matching questions, multiple choice questions, fill in the blank questions, yes or no or any other type of question that does not require critical thinking. You must reference your video. Ex. The web address, the title, the total length of the video, when it was uploaded, and who uploaded it before you create your questions (-10 if missing). Please paraphrase each question in your own words. No credit will be awarded for any questions that are copied directly from the video. You cannot give the range of time that answered the question that you created (-20 for providing the range of time that answered the question instead of the one time that completely answered it). In other words, you must give the exact time in minutes and seconds that completely answered your question, not the time when you started hearing the answer with the time it was answered. Please number your paper and create the questions and answers in order based on the time. In other words, a 3 minute and 23 seconds question and answer should not be before a 2 and 17 second question. You will only receive half credit if you do not document the times next to the answers. Please be sure to view the entire video. I will know if you viewed the entire video based on how you document your time. In other words, if a video is 5 minutes and 40 seconds long, your last question and answer should not stop at 3 minutes at 12 seconds. This will result in deduction of points. Please make a notation on your assignment if your video ends at 4 minutes and 10 seconds when it was supposed to be 7 minutes and 54 seconds so that I will know not to expect any content after that time. This still means that you will still be responsible for creating the required 20 critical thinking questions. You can document questions from writings on a board, diagrams, and recaps at the end of each video if this is applicable to your video. You must obtain 20 questions from the assigned video. You will not receive credit for creating questions from a video that has been assigned.