
Please read the Edgar Codd paper (Codd, 1970) and write 1,200 word or more summary and reaction paper in APA format, including citations to the paper and a works cited section.

 Please note that this will be automatically run through TurnItIn dot Com, so please be sure that it will not appear to be plagiarized. 

Please be sure to include the following: 

Please repeat the title in bold text and centered on the first page of the text. 

All pages should have one inch margins and page numbers on the top right corner. 

All text, including the references section, should be the same font and double spaced. 

In text citations of the material being reviewed, linking the important ideas to page numbers. 

In the case, the material is (Codd, 1970). 6. A references section on its own page, separated from the text with a page break. Works Cited Codd, E. F. (1970, June). A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks. Communications of the ACM, 13(6), 377-387.