
 Birth Control and Pregnancy 

 1.If you have a need for contraception, which of the following methods would you be most likely to consider?  Select up to five and list the advantages and disadvantages of each:  

Abstinence; cervical cap; coitus interruptus; condom  (female); condom (male); Depo-Provera; diaphragm;  fertility awareness; IUD; oral contraceptive pills;  Ortho Evra patch; sterilization (female); sterilization  (male); vaginal foam, film, cream, jelly, or suppository; vaginal ring; vaginal sponge.  

2.You think you may be pregnant and you want to obtain confirmation of your condition. Which of the following action(s) would you take? 

  Ask a friend or parent what to do 

  Purchase a self-diagnostic pregnancy test kit  

Consult a pharmacist 

  Read a self-help book  

Use the Internet (what type of sites?)  

Immediately consult a physician  

Contact Planned Parenthood   Other (specify): _________ _