
The K Case Analysis

1. Identify at least two sources of information not utilized by Child Protective Services that could have been used. For each source that you name, identify the major content of the information the source could have provided. Also, address the possible differential impact on case course and outcome had the information been used.

2. Identify at least two points where cultural differences seemed to have had an impact on the course, outcome, or some other aspect of the case. Be sure to explain for each point how cultural differences impacted the case. 

3. Recognizing the wisdom of hindsight, if we accept the narration of the story you have been given as true, and you were a social worker (not the primary worker) in the Department of Human Services at the time this case was being handled, what would you have done, if anything? Why? Why not? What part(s) of the Code of Ethics support your actions or inaction? In order to answer this question, you will need to refer to the Code of Ethics and cite specific parts. Also, keep in mind that you are not a worker on the case, but are well aware of what is happening in the case as you share an office with the primary worker.