
Essay: QEP Global Citizen Essay

Explain the characteristics of a global citizen

At least 200 words, 2) At least 2 in text citations and 3) At least 2 references


Using terms found in the thesaurus of PsycINFO EBSCO {i.e. Globalization, or global and characteristics, or “Population” and Globalization, (or other related terms) find 2 journal articles (or books) from PsycINFO. Use these and/or our text as 1 reference. When you search PsycINFO, limit the search to journal articles, you will always have appropriate references. Regarding references, not use websites from Google or other search engines as references; do not use dissertations, thesis, PowerPoints, newsletters, or blogs as references. Use of these = 0. The references must be obtained from PsycINFO, not Google, and be in Correct APA style. Every essay must have 1) At least 200 words, 2) At least 2 in text citations and 3) At least 2 references (journal articles or books, including our textbook) obtained from PsycINFO. Absence of any 1 of these three may result in a zero. Do not use direct quotes longer than 3 consecutive words. Do not use as a reference; anything save books or our textbook or journals from PsycINFO.