Assignment: Ethical Competence- 2pages Article is attached.


In this weeks Discussion, you examined how individual morals and values influence ethical decision making. Now, for this Assignment, you will focus on how your own morals and values guide your ethical behavior. You will also assess your ethical competence using the Learning Resources from this week. As you do so, consider the following questions: Is there a practice area of I/O psychology with which you are unfamiliar? If so, would you be able to recognize ethical issues in that area if they arose? Similarly, is there an area of the APA Ethics Code that is unclear to you? How well would you be able to apply ethical standards from this area?

It is important to consider these questions now, at the beginning of the course, so that you can plan to devote more attention to specific weeks in the course that address areas of ethical knowledge and skills in which you need more development. Furthermore, regularly assessing your ethical competence is good practice. Sound ethical decision making is a skill that is learned and developed over time with routine reflection and practice.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review Chapter 1 and Appendix A in the text, Business Ethics: An Ethical Decision-Making Approach and Chapter 8 in the APA Handbook of Ethics in Psychology. Then, review the journal articles in this weeks Learning Resources. Reflect on your personal morals and values and how they could influence your ethical decision making in the practice of I/O psychology.
  • Review the Introduction in The Ethical Practice of Consulting Psychology, Chapter 8 in the APA Handbook of Ethics in Psychology, and Chapter 2 in the SAGE Handbook. Self-assess your ability to recognize and resolve the ethical dilemmas discussed in the Learning Resources.
  • Review the APA Ethics Code. Identify principles and/or ethical standards with which you are unfamiliar and may need further development.
  • Explore SIOPs Committee for the Advancement of Professional Ethics (CAPE) page and identify ethics resources that could contribute to your ethical competence.  

By Day 7 

Write a 2 page paper on the following:

  • Explain how your personal morals and values might influence your ethical decision making within the practice of I/O psychology. Provide specific examples to support your explanation.
  • Using the Learning Resources from this week, self-assess your ethical competence in the context of I/O psychology, that is, your ability to recognize and resolve ethical dilemmas. Then identify three ethical skills and/or areas of knowledge in which you need further development. Describe what steps you will take to develop those skills or areas. Be specific.