Assignment: Qualitative Research Approaches Matrix, Part II


n order for you to select the qualitative research approach that best fits your research question, you will need to develop a deeper familiarity with the approaches available to you. This weeks Assignment is the second of a two-part activity designed to broaden and deepen your base of knowledge of qualitative research approaches.

In Week 2, you began completing a Qualitative Research Approaches Matrix Template with four qualitative research approaches. For this weeks Assignment, you will add to that matrix by including four more research approaches.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review this weeks readings, focusing on the differences among the following four qualitative research approaches:
    • Social constructionism and narrative inquiry
    • Systems theory
    • Ethnography/autoethnography
    • Interactive and participatory qualitative applications
  • Locate the Qualitative Research Approaches Matrix Template you completed from last weeks Assignment submission.


Complete the Qualitative Research Approaches Matrix Template for the four approaches highlighted this week. Some of the cells have been pre-populated with sample entries or with prompts to help you focus your comparisons.


Required Readings

Patton, M. Q. (2015). Qualitative research & evaluation methods: Integrating theory and practice (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
Chapter 3, Variety of Qualitative Inquiry Frameworks: Paradigmatic, Philosophical, and Theoretical Orientations (pp. 85168)
Chapter 4, Practical and Actionable Qualitative Applications (pp. 169242)

Narrative Inquiry
Systems Theory
Participatory Community Approaches