Assignment Topic:Evidence Based Practice : PICO Scientific Research Project PICO Scientific Research Project Report Worksheet Follow these format and content instructions exactly when creating your r

Assignment Topic:Evidence Based Practice : PICO Scientific Research Project

PICO Scientific Research Project Report Worksheet 

Follow these format and content instructions exactly when creating your research findings report. 

SECTION 1:  Introduction Paragraph: The PICO Paragraph – Defining your scientific question (1 paragraph) 

  • Briefly explain the problem and DEFINE to a lay person the (two) variables you are comparing in your PICO question taking into account how they differ. This means provide definitions for your problem, and both variables named along with definitions for any other scientific terms, measurement, etc. listed. 

  • ALSO, provide recent statistics to show the scope of the problem you are researching  i.e. one out of five school age children in the U.S.  is considered obese. 

  • What is the specific desired outcome/what do you want to learn/decide upon? Define why this answer is important – do you want to change a behavior, create a call to action, etc. Who is the primary audience to receive this information?

SECTION 2: The Body of your Report Paragraphs: The Scientific Evidence Paragraphs – A findings paragraph in your own words followed by a minimum of three detailed paragraphs each depicting scientific evidence found in your Annotated Bibliography research that helps to answer your scientific question. 

PICO Answer Summary Paragraph (1 paragraph)

  • Summarize  in your own words what you have learned/taken from the scientific evidence you found from your annotated bibliography assignment – your short answer to the PICO question. The student should consider all of the data found and draw a conclusion, written as a general summary paragraph, in your own words. Your proof, more detailed answers, will follow in the next paragraphs.

Detailed Support Paragraphs (3+ paragraphs) 

What are the most important pieces of information your research uncovered to help you to answer/prove your PICO question? Name and expand upon at least three separate researched pieces of support information, detailing each in it’s own paragraph. This information should be specific, unbiased and scientific researched from professional journal sources/studies/articles. (DO NOT use generic web site information or organizational web pages as your scientific sources.)

  • Provide specific statistics, findings, quotes in each of the three paragraphs that support the answer you have concluded in the above summary paragraph. 

  • -Include at TWO graphics wherever is most applicable: graphs, charts or other DIRECTLY related graphics that help to better explain the information you are presenting; graphs can be cited from the journals, or that you make to represent your data; do not include generic clip art or loosely associated graphics; clearly label each of your graphics for better reader comprehension.

Report Summary Paragraph (1) – Clearly and briefly summarize all you have already told us

Clearly and concisely restate what you researched/compared for your PICO. Briefly state the conclusion you have drawn to answer this research question. Briefly name a couple of the most important facts/ statistics that back why you have drawn these conclusions. State a call to action – what do you want the reader to do or not do based on this presented research (this may likely refer back to your original PICO question)

Separate Full Reference Sheet of all Resources 

Include a full reference sheet of all resources found and used in the creation of this report including the five original references from your Annotated Bibliography (AB) (references written in APA formatting corrected as AB grading notes indicate), plus any additional scientific resources you have found for this project report.