Assignment: Variables of Job Attitudes Antecedents


Imagine you have been working for several years at a company that you love, with people you know well, doing work in which you excel. Then, suddenly, the CEO announces that they are acquiring a new business arm and implementing an initiative to merge the two businesses, effective immediately. The staff, yourself included, were not aware of the initiative until it was implemented swiftly over a period of a week. Everyone seems stunned and does not quite know how to react. The new business arm will be moving in down the hall, and you meet 30 or so of your new colleagues at the next weekly all-staff meeting. You look across the room at them and think, Whats going to happen to my work, the collegiality of our group, the compensation and benefits? You have many questions! The workplace up to this point was not in any way perfect, but you hope that the company leadership handles this change in a way that does not alienate existing departments and create issues among new and existing staff. Imagine the strain that this change could put on workplace relationships and how it might affect perceptions of support, equity, and justice.

This week, you have explored many antecedent variables of job attitudes. In this assignment, you will consider how leadership, POS, justice, and trust might come into play in employee interactions at Walden Sports. 

By Day 7

Submit a 3 page paper (not including references) that addresses the following:

  • Summarize the effects of job attitude antecedents on job satisfaction among employees at Walden Sports and how they can help inform management about options for change.
  • From this weeks Learning Resources, select three variables that you think will best predict job attitudes at Walden Sports.
  • Explain why you selected the variables you did and provide evidence showing the relationships between these variables and job attitudes (i.e., justify your selections).
  • Propose the appropriate instrument to measure these attitudes and explain the rationale for your choice.(Suggestion: Refer to the Buros Mental Measurement Yearbook or Tests in Print in Required Resources for possible instruments.)