Assignment6 wrld history

Please pay attention and read carefully, I will have the 4 students remark and reading posted as well this is what you need to do first.

  Assignment: Reflection: Today’s World Citizen

As man finds himself at the dawn of a new century, it is clear that there is truth in the words echoing from the past, “[h]istory is philosophy teaching by examples.”
-Thucydides, 460-404 BC

As seen in your resources, assignments, and quizzes, the patterns of events from the 20th century are already beginning to play out in the 21st century, but at an accelerated rate specifically aided by globalization, advancements (scientific, technology, and medical), and mass consumption.

If man has been gifted the teachings of the past, how then has history come to repeat itself with future generations? Have events that have played out in the past truly had an effect on the future?

In order to complete your Final Project, you had to reflect on the information acquired during this course and consider the opinions and beliefs of your classmates during discussions. In this Reflection, consider how the opinions of your classmates differed from yours. Will they affect your thinking in the future?

To prepare for this assignment:

  • Review all classmates’ posts in the Discussion 1: Top Element area, specifically focusing on two students’ responses for this assignment.
  • Review all articles in the Learning Resources for this week.
  • Consider the impact of events that occurred in the 20th century and their impact on the 21st century thus far. What effect will they have on the rest of this century and beyond?
  • Reflect on how you learn from the past and how these lessons might mold your future actions.
  • Think about your classmates’ elements and how they differ from your choice. Were any elements a surprise? Why or why not?
  • Call to mind how other classmates’ elements made you think differently about citizenship, values, or globalization. Did they change your viewpoint? If so, how?
  • Now that you are a more informed citizen, will this new knowledge change your behavior? How and why or why not? How will this knowledge affect your daily life/work life?

The assignment:

  • By Day 4, review two other classmates’ most important element displayed in the Discussion 1: Top Element area, and begin evaluating the roles and responsibilities of today’s world citizen by addressing the following questions:
    • How did their elements differ from your choice?
    • Were any elements a surprise? Why or why not?
      • Did any of the other elements listed make you think differently about citizenship, values, or globalization based on how your peers perceived the impact of their choices on the future? Why or why not?
    • Now that you are a more informed citizen, will this new knowledge change your behavior? How and why or why not?
    • How will this knowledge affect your daily life/work life?

Note: Be sure to quote your fellow students accordingly when referencing their work.

Questions about this assignment? Post them in the Contact the Instructor area. That way, everyone in the class will see, and benefit from, the instructor’s response.

By Day 7

Submit your Reflection. In order to receive full credit, all assignments are due on time. Should you encounter an unanticipated and uncontrollable life event that may prevent you from meeting an assignment deadline, contact the instructor immediately to request an extension.

Your instructor’s contact information is in the Instructor area. For a full description of the late policy, please refer to the “Policies on Late Assignments” section of your Syllabus.

Submission and Grading Information

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  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention WK6Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension) as the name.
  • Click the Assignment Evaluation Criteria to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 6 Assignment link. You will also be able to View Rubric for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as WK6Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension) and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Grading Criteria

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Submit your Week 6 Assignment draft and review the originality report.

Submit Your Assignment by Day 7

To submit your Assignment:
Week 6 Assignment

Required readings:

Week 6: Globalization and the Flattening of the World

Globalization. Do you look at this concept as a positive (glass half-full) or negative (glass half-empty)?

The fall of Communism and the rise of global threats and globalization leveled the playing field for nations throughout the world. Nations began to expand their economic strategies, political theories, and collaborate to create new foreign policies. This new era of globalization hastened the progress of developing countries, but also provided resources for terrorist activities. Former tensions between rivals with varying religious and ethnic practices reared its ugly head leading to an increase in terrorism. This, in turn, lead nations and global governing bodies such as NATO, to react.

Last week you had the opportunity to reflect upon the information you have acquired during this course when you completed your Final Project. This week, you will be able to expand upon that reflection and review your fellow classmates’ Final Projects. You will also examine the events from 19452000 and assess the effects and consequences of globalization. You will have the opportunity to analyze their opinions and consider how they compare and contrast to your own beliefs. Will their thoughts affect your viewpoints in the future?

Learning Objectives

By the end of this week, you should be able to:
  • Justify the choice of the most important element from your Top 3 list
  • Draw inferences from assessments, both positive and negative, of globalization and the effects on local and global levels
  • Evaluate the roles and responsibilities of today’s world citizen
  • Identify political leaders, policies, and elements during the time of 19452000 that led to globalization and the flattening of the world

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Read Chapter 4 located in Part 1.

Read Chapter 5.

two response are:

1st response: Jakiethia Blanks

I chose the Medical advancements and innovations because of the pandemic that we face today. How millions of people worldwide have lost their lives and family members. There was no preparation in this pandemic, just like it wasn’t in the flu pandemic of 1919.  But the advances that the medical industry has they were able to get a vaccine in the works from not just one company but multiple. Just as the flu vaccine exists now, and has improved over the years.The flu season before the pandemic was very important, everyone who could was told they should consider it, now we have COVID and it has completely taken over. HIV/AIDS, Cancer, Alzheimer’s and birth defects that can’t easily be cured are still in the books to be the next medical cures, with the help of medical technology and the advancements around the world, the knowledge we will soon be able to say we won. 

Medical advancements in pregnant woman has also changed over time. In the 1950’s ultrasound technology was created so that parents and doctors could see inside a mothers precious womb. Also, it was used to check the unborn baby for birth defects such as down syndrome, spina bifida and many other new discoveries that were available to help the parents prepare for what was coming ahead. There are countless medical miracles and also medical mysteries that will continue to challenge doctors and nurses. Just as COVID hit the world in 2020, we will be ready to make new discoveries.

I believe in the medical field and that cures will be created to help people with what they may going on. Maybe they will actually feel like they have a real opportunity. We are constantly evolving and learning from one another that there is always room for learning and growing, not only as a doctor but as a patient as a viewer into someone who is different world. 


2cd response: Natalia Mckinley

For my final project, I chose the elements of global alliances, technological advancements, and innovations, as well as medical advancements and innovations as the most important elements from 1945 to 2000. Of those three elements, however, I found that the medical advancements and innovations during that time to be the most important of them all because of the leeway it made to the discoveries we are now able to make in todays society.

Case in point, One of the most important was the discovery of DNA by Wilkins, Crick, and Watson. (Trueman 2015). Because of this discovery, doctors are now able to determine when abnormal genes are present, such as those that cause Down Syndrome, a common chromosomal defect in todays society. This also leads scientists to be able to pinpoint which chromosomes cause such defects to gain a better understanding of the mutations at hand.

Another important advancement during that time that is pivotal in todays study of modern medicine, was the invention of insulin pumps in 1963. Insulin pumps, which eliminate the need for multiple insulin injections each day and make controlling blood glucose levels more possible,  were invented by Dr. Arnold Kadish. (Wilson 2018). With diabetes being one of the top diseases humans face to this day, this innovation aided in helping those dealing with the disease to manage it.

These discoveries are only the tip of the iceberg. So much more has been discovered and invented paving the way to discoveries we are able to make today because of it. Without many of the innovations made in the medical field since 1945, its hard to determine how long (if ever) doctors and scientists in the years following would have been able to make the same remarkable findings as the brilliant people before them.


Trueman, C.N. (March 17, 2015). Medical Changes from 1945. [Online Article]. Retrieved from

Wilson, B. (October 26, 2018).  Top Medical Technology Advances From the Last 100 Years. [Online Article]. Retrieved from

Another 1 repspone: Rebecca Nunn

For our final project last week, it was challenging for me to choose three of the most important elements from 1945-2000 that shaped our lives in the 21st century. It took me several hours to figure out what I would be writing about because so many past events have impacted our lives today. Throughout those hours, I changed my mind twice; however, in the end, I believe the three I did choose impacted us the most. The one I feel has impacted and continues to impact our everyday lives the most is electricity. The discovery of this technological innovation has led to many inventions, which have impacted society and economic growth.

Electricity has improved communication throughout history, for example, telegraphs, telephones, radios, television, and the internet. Today, our society is very dependent on devices that help us communicate faster. With the invention of the lightbulb, society changed. Devices for home and work were invented that allowed people to venture out at night. Candles or kerosene/gas lamps were no longer required to see after dark. People were able to work longer hours or do household chores at night because there was more light. Electric cooking appliances allowed people to cook faster, vacuums made cleaning easier, and left-overs could be eaten later because of refrigerators.

As explained in our readings from the Human Journey, the Soviet Unions collapse resulted from the economy (Reilly, 2012, p. 32). They could not keep up with the Western economies new technological advancements. Therefore, without technology, there would be no globalization. Technology, such as electricity, has helped conquer globalizations challenges, such as trade barriers, transportation costs, and communication delays. The global system has become even more decentralized, easier, and faster. Together, globalization and the digital world have merged, spreading information, goods, and service at an unparalleled speed (Kupchan, 2012, p. 89).  Electricity is one of the worlds most significant technological innovations, which has and is still impacting our lives.


Kupchan, C. (2012). No Ones World: The West, the Rising Rest, and the Coming Global Turn.

Reilly, K. (2012). The human journey: A concise introduction to world history. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Another 2cd response: Amanda Hawk

 The most important element from my top three choices that helped shape the 21st century is the Civil Rights Movement.  I took into consideration the impact the movement had in the past but also the relevance it has in the world today.  The civil rights movement in America during the 1960s was influential in bringing about the legislation gains of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (Nimtz, 2016).  The Civil Rights Act “prohibited discrimination of all kinds on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin,” and the Voting Rights Act gave the government “powers to see that blacks could register to vote without discrimination” (Moss, 2008).  The Acts were necessary not only for freedom but for equal opportunities.      

     According to Jenkins (2006), “opportunity in American should mean everyone has a fair chance to achieve his or her full potential.”  Although we have made strides to fulfill that, we still have a long way to go to end discrimination in the world.  Jenkins expressed that the 1960s civil rights movement was inspirational to several other groups that suffered injustices.  He says the African American actions helped push women’s, immigrant’s, and gay rights activism in the U.S. and around the world (Jenkins, 2006).  It is relevant today in the way it has influenced change in the minds of society.  I believe there is less fear of retaliation to address inequalities and discrimination today.     

     We can make changes and improvements to the current inequalities and discriminations within our community by treating one another fairly and examining our own biases towards others (Jenkins, 2006).  Jenkin implies by stepping away from the stereotypes in our minds and taking part in our society to make it more equal; we have the opportunity to treat people in the way we all want to be treated.  He says that we can accomplish this by contacting local TV stations and ask them why they are not doing more to expose these inequalities and spotlight solutions.  Jenkins emphasizes the importance of eradicating biases so that we do not continue to repeat history (Jenkins, 2006).  Although I believe our world is very different today, I still see evidence of discrimination between races, religions, genders, sexual orientation, et cetera.  The only way to unify our world is to overcome these prejudices by taking a stand and questioning injustices.   


Jenkins, A. (July 2006).  Civil rights today.  PBS.  

Moss, W. G. (2008).  An age of progress? : Clashing twentieth-century global forces.  ProQuest Ebook Central.

Nimtz, A. H. (2016).  Violence and/or Nonviolence in the Success of the Civil Rights Movement: The Malcolm X-Martin Luther King, Jr.

          Nexus.  New Political Science, 38(1), 1.

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