assistance needed with psychology


 watch the posted lecture about ‘Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages’. (Keep in mind that the text only explores four of the eight stages) Pick one of the eight Psychosocial stages that you think is the most critical to a child’s development. Research that stage – what is it? Why is it the most important (in your opinion)? What does it help develop in the child? Explain what a child who developed down one of the psychosocial pathways; what traits and skills did they develop? Explain a child who developed down the other pathway; what traits and skills did they develop?

Explore this topic and explain your research in 3-5 paragraphs. Use at least 2 outside sources and cite those at the end of your journal post.  

(A typical child on Piaget’s conservation tasks) this is the name of the youtube video.

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