
Answer the following questions using Chapters 24, 25, and 26 of the text book located at this link:

1. How do we use general relativity to find black holes, dark matter, and distant galaxies?

2.  Describe the three main parts of the Milky Way galaxy and the types of stars found in each part. Explain where the solar system is located within the Milky Way. How do we know that there is a supermassive black hole in the center of the galaxy? What does the rotation curve and Keplers third law reveal about the galaxy?

3. What are the three different types of galaxies? Describe some of the characteristics of each.

4. Describe the different types of standard candles (bulbs) and how they can be used to determine the distances to celestial objects. What does Hubbles law tell us about the nature of the universe?

The use of outside sources is optional, but you must provide citations and references in APA format for any sources you use, including the textbook. Lack of proper citations and references and/or poor grammar and spelling could result in a grade deduction of 5 to 15 points.

Also attached is an  *example* assignment that has answered those questions.