Australian wildlife society

  • What is the mission, key objectives, and strategies of the organisation, especially in relation to public sphere and public opinion?
  • Who are the organisation’s stakeholders?
  • How does your chosen organisation use online spaces and digital technology to engage with the public?
    • Through what kind of digital platforms does the chosen organisation present its public image? What is behind these choices?
    • Who does the organisation target in dissemination of its messages and information?
    • What is the content and form of the organisation’s online communication?
    • What kind of timing/frequency does the organisation use to disseminate specific messages and information?
    • How is the organisation engaging with publics through digital technologies?
    • Does the use of such digital technologies alter, extend, or refine the organisation’s engagement with public sphere and public opinion?
  • What recommendations can be made to improve the organisation’s online engagement?