Autism case study

Read the autism case study and answer the following. 

1. Summarize the family circumstances from the case study. 

Approximately 1 paragraph

2. Choose ONE of the four theories (Jean Piaget OR Lev Vygotsky OR George Herbert Mead OR Erik H. Erikson) and explain how it applies to this family in the case study. Use specific examples from the class study. Make sure to support specific information from the case study and cite using page numbers. 

Approximately 1 paragraph. 

3. Discuss and explain 2 aspects of development (physical, cognitive or social/emotional) that you believe needs to be addressed with play for this family. Make sure to support specific information from the case study and cite using page numbers. 

Approximately 2 paragraphs

4. Select 2 play strategies that you would recommend to this family that would address the above developmental domains (physical, cognitive, or social/emotional development) of the family. Make sure to support specific information from the case study and cite using page numbers. 

Approximately 2 paragraphs

5. Select one piece of information that you found interesting after reading the case study and explain why. Support your specific information from the case study and cite using page numbers. 

Approximately 1 Paragraph