Key Assignment Draft

Write a detailed outline (like the one below) of your business plan. Organization is important.

Outlines will vary based on the type of venture. A basic outline of the proposed business plan would include the following:

  • Cover Page
    • Name of the business
    • Address and phone number
    • Issue date of plan
  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary
    • Company information
    • Market opportunity
    • Financial data
  • Company
    • Background
    • Business form
    • Reason for the firms establishment
  • Environmental Analysis
    • Economic
    • Competitive
    • Legal
    • Political
    • Cultural
    • Technological
  • Products or Services
    • Different from those currently on the market
    • Other uses for the product
    • Drawings or photos, if appropriate
    • Patents or trademarks
    • Competitive advantage
    • Potential for growth
    • Manage the product or service through the product life cycle
    • Expand the product line or develop related products
  • Management Team
    • Technical skills
    • Business skills
    • Experience
    • Compensation
    • Training
    • Professional assistance
  • Time Line
    • Outline interrelationship and timing of major events planned for your venture
    • Timing of objectives should be realistic and attainable
  • Benefits to the Community
    • Economic development
    • Community development
    • Human development
  • Exit Strategy (How and how long before you and your investors will exit the business and get back your investments?)
    • Who will succeed you in the business?
    • Will the business be sold?
  • Financial Plan
    • Sources and uses of capital (initial and projected)
    • 3-year projections of:
      • Cash flow statements
      • Balance sheets
      • Profit and loss statements
    • Breakeven analysis
    • Conclusions and important points:
      • Discussion of how much equity and how much debt are included
      • Highest amount of cash needed
      • Expected payback period for loans