Based on BMO ppt, work on the report ( 1450 words)

– Introduction (150 words) 

– Part 1 400 words

Background infoamation:

1. Macro Trends (at the world level, at the regional level, at the country level)

2. Industry trends 

3.Nature of the organization (Profit

  – Private

  – Publicly tradeed? (Is BMO publicly traded?)

  – 2020 BMO  aunnal report focus: Risk factors,Managements discussion,Market Risk,search “opportunities” in the documents 

– Part 2 ( 400 words)

Analysis of the the chosen organzation (SWTO) 

– Part 3 400 words

Leadership intervetions

1. Recommendations for mitlgeting the challenges 

2. Recommendations for leveraging the opportunities

– Conclusion ( 100 words)