Basic English Reply

PEER REPLIES Respond to peers main posts with replies of 100-150 words each, answer the following questions:

  • Was the situation described clearly and with enough detail to envision the situation?
  • Reflect on the results. Could the situation been handled differently? If so, how?
  • Identify areas of Ethos-Logos-Pathos and specify which of the three your peer’s argument relied on most heavily.
  • Suggest areas of Ethos-Logos-Pathos that could have been used to make your peer’s argument successful or stronger.
  • Have you ever encountered or witnessed a similar situation? How did you handle it?

BY Yarianne Direntau Avila
Monday night, the night of the NCAA championship finals, I was hanging out with a friend of mine who wanted to watch the game. We decided to go to a sports bar to watch it. Another friend had also repaid me a loan I had given her a few weeks back, so I had a sizeable sum of cash on me. My basketball friend pulled into a bar that looked a little seedy. I said, This looks classy. Trying to be sarcastic. 

He did not get it and said, Lets go inside and see. 

I said, I have all this money on me and you want me to go in here where I will surely get mugged?

He said, They wont mug you because youre with me. Then he laughed and started the car again and we drove to the bank where I deposited my money. Then we drove to a different restaurant, where they had the game on the big screen, and we ate dinner. 

            The moment of persuasion was successful. My friend realized two things. First of all, I am a person with taste and I do not like hanging out in seedy bars. He got that I think, but more importantly, he realized that it would be stupid to tempt fate by strolling into a bar with a wad of cash especially when we were not familiar with the place. My strategy was sarcasm and to ask my friend a question that, when he answered it, he would see that his proposed action was not wise. Williams (2020) of Yesware says that telling a person why you need something makes their decision easier to make(Williams, 2020). Instead of saying, I cannot go into this bar with this money, which sounds a little witchy to me, I told him I could get mugged which indicates what a bad idea it was. I had to prompt him a little by asking him a question to get his mind to where it needed to be to figure out what a risky move it was, but he got it. He agreed with me that it was not a good idea and we did something different. 


Williams, M. (2020, July 19). 10 Persuasive Techniques for Sales. Retrieved from Yesware: