Collecting data!
Students will be required to think up at least one research question and establish the research methods best suited to answer this question. Students will then write up their research as a proposal for submission to a grant or funding agency in APA style. The research proposal will generally include (a) a Cover Page, (b) an Abstract, (c) a brief introduction/literature review, (d) a Methods section, and (e) a References section. Additional details on the format of the proposal will be provided by the course instructor.
As per the three pages I added, this was the feedback from my professor:
You did a very nice job with this. I will urge you to examine grounded theory approach over ethnography… ethnography is more focused on living and breathing your population (ie: living in Kenya to study the Masaii people for several months). Grounded theory would be focused on exploring a topic in an inductive way (ie: from the ground-up). Since you really want to know what teacher’s experiences are, it seems grounded theory might be more appropriate. If you do choose to use grounded theory, it has a systematic approach to data analysis. Further, I would like to know more about the content of your data collection; what area the areas you will be asking about and the questions asked? You can stay general here if you’d like and just give me content areas of the questions.