Behavioral genetic research designs have often been attacked because they rely on comparing monozygotic twins (MZ) to dizygotic twins (DZ). Critics of twin-based research maintain that MZ twins look m

Behavioral genetic research designs have often been attacked because they rely on comparing monozygotic twins (MZ) to dizygotic twins (DZ). Critics of twin-based research maintain that MZ twins look more alike, are treated more alike, and experience more of the same environments than DZ twins. As a result, MZ twins should be more similar in terms of their behaviors and personality traits. However, there are plenty of other genetic methodologies that do not compare MZ and DZ twins, yet still show substantial genetic effects. It is your job to describe alternative approaches to examining genetic and environmental effects on antisocial behaviors. In your answer, feel free to discuss genetic research designs that make use of twins (as long as they do not compare MZ/DZ twins), and research designs that include measured genetics polymorphisms.

roughly 8 pages double spaced

use headings and APA citation format

ALL articles must be included but they do not all need to be included in depth