Benchmark – Grant Writing Process


Part 1-Logic Model

In your position as a law enforcement manager, you have been tasked with applying for a 1-year, $100,000 DOJ grant for a community-based violence prevention initiative involving at-risk youth. The purpose of the grant is to provide an opportunity for strategic transformation in a police department. The DOJ has many grant opportunities for justice and police agencies.

Review strategic transformation in Chapter 15 of your textbook.

Review all the components of the How to Develop a Program Logic Model from the Corporation for National &Community Service ( See link in Class Resources).

Complete the attached Logic Model worksheet and submit it with your Executive Summary.

Part 2- Draft Executive Summary

Write a 250-500-word draft executive summary of your proposed program. The executive summary tells the story in a very succinct way of why your grant should be the one funded. Include the information gathered from your logic model. Explain how the grant will improve organizational outcomes that align with organizational needs. Grant reviewers have hundreds of applications to review, so your executive summary cannot be longer than two pages.