Benefits and Limitations of Personalised Learning:


Module 4: Cognitive Explanations of Learning
John Flavell + Lev Vygotsky + Jean Piaget
Metacognition is the monitoring and control of thought, thinking about cognition, self reflection
Metacognition is the process of being self-aware of ones own personal learning strengths and weaknesses; strategy knowledge and use; and a capacity for self-reflection
Strategies to Improve Metacognitive Awareness:
Discuss with the class the importance of metacognitive knowledge
Model your own metacognitive processes for students
Ensure there is time for group discussion and reflection about learning activities
Make visible the cognitive strategies students are using
Improve regulation of cognition by checking planning, monitoring and evaluating strategy use
Examples of Reflective Questions:
What is your goal?
What strategies are you using?
Who can you ask for help?
How often are you studying?
Do you think your strategies are working?
Do you need to make changes to your strategies?
Did you achieve your goal?
What strategies worked?
What will you do differently next time?
Benefits and Limitations of Metacognition;
More efficient use of study time by using strategies
Taking control of learning
Not always easy to identify learning strategies
Hard to be honest about strategies
Introspection can lead to doubt
Module 5: The Constructivist Classroom
John Dewey + Jean Piaget + Jerome Bruner + Benjamin Bloom
Key Principles of Constructivism;
Learners are active participants in their own learning the leam by doing
Learners are self-regulated they plan, monitor and evaluate (metacognition)
Social interaction is necessary for learning
Individuals are encouraged to make sense of information for themselves
Classroom Strategies of Constructivism;
Discovery learning problem based learning
Problem solving
Open-ended questions
Reflection; Learning journal
Collaborative learning
Small-group learning
Social learning online networking Peer teaching
Use of experts e.g. parents or community members
Use of Blooms taxonomy to structure a series of questions that each student can apply based on their capacity
Cultural experiences excursions to art galleries, museums, national parks
Benefits and Limitations of Constructivism;
Active discovery promotes curiosity
Active rather than passive learning
Interaction with experts
Encouraged use of available technology
Requires considerable time
Students may not have group work skills
Lack of student motivation
Students may leam incorrectly
Module 6: Contemporary Teaching Strategies
Collaborative Inquiry and Problem Based Learning:
John Chaffee + John Dewey + Socrates
Scaffolds (tools, resources, and processes provided by the teacher)
Before learning during learning after learning
Based around experiencing and solving real world problems
Characteristics of Collaborative Inquiry and Problem Based Learning:
Posing questions and investigating these using data/information
Freedom for groups of students to define their own inquiry or problem solving process
Development of ideas within a community of learners
Student-centred activities in order to solve a problem
Discovery or exploration of ideas
Elements of the Process of Inquiry/Problem Based Learning;
Asking questions
Analysis of information
Model creation of the solution/findings
Scaffold Examples:
providing some direct instruction at the start of the project helps orient students to the topic and provides an overview of the importance of the topic
provide a series of steps that the students have to follow, based on relevant content
take students on an excursion
ask the local experts to speak to class and respond to questions
provide regular opportunities in class to discuss the strategies students are using, and their perspective on how effective these strategies were
Benefits and Limitations of Inquiry/Problem Based Learning:
Teaches critical thinking skills
Focuses on strategies to overcome problems
Improve students attitudes towards learning
Not all students comfortable with group work
Relies on introspection and self-report
Regular feedback can be difficult
Module 7: Personalised Learning and Data Driven Teaching
David Miliband
select age-equivalent content that is meaningful and respects students individual needs, strengths, language proficiencies and interests
provide stimulating learning experiences that challenge, extend and develop all students
use their knowledge of students individual needs, strengths and interests to ensure access to the teaching and learning program.
Emphasises student individuality
Meaningful connection between student and curriculum
Data driven teaching uses individual data from student assessment to tailor make future assessments and activities based on current ability level
Benefits and Limitations of Personalised Learning:
Many ways for students to present work
Students have a choice in how they learn and what materials they choose to leam with
Encourages autonomy, self awareness, and responsibility
Some students are indecisive and procrastinate
Finance restraints
Without direct guidance curriculum components may not be fulfilled