BI 10


There have been many books and opinion pieces writ-ten about the impact of AI on jobs and ideas for societal responses to address the issues. Two ideas arer universal basic income(UBI) and social investment stipend(SIS). What are the pros and cons of these ideas? How would these be implemented?

Min 225 words


Explain how GDSS can increase some benefits of collaboration and decision making in groups and eliminate or reduce some losses.

Min 225 words


#1 Based upon the current state of the art of robotics ap- plications, which industries are most likely to embrace robotics? Why?

#2 Identify where Pepper(robot) is being used for commercial and personal purposes.

Min 140 words required for each question 


1. Explain why it is useful to describe group work in terms of the time/place framework.

2. Describe the kinds of support that groupware can pro- vide to decision makers.

3. Explain why most groupware is deployed today over the Web.

4. Explain in what ways physical meetings can be ineffi- cient. Explain how technology can make meetings more effective.

Context: Group Decision Making, Collaborative Systems, and AI Support

Min 140 words required for each question 


Total 225*2 + 140*6 = 1290 words (round to 1300).

Each part needs to be attached as separate file.

Plagairism report must for each part

APA formatting and each part needs to have at least 2 references.