Biblical Principles 4


After leaving Apple, Steve Jobs bought a company by the name of Pixar.  The original plan for his company called for separate buildings and offices. Still, he decided to change it around, and he designed the space for his company in such a way to provide a large open space in the center where the coffee bar, and cafeteria, and other things like the mailboxes were located. This philosophy of design brought the employees together. Steve’s idea blossomed into a place for people to collaborate and cultivate ideas, solutions and build relationships.  People would run into each other and make eye contact – in doing so, things happen. This is when true collaboration takes place. Working with others is one of the most important ways to develop ideas and solutions to problems creatively.

“The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the Body of Christ.” I Corinthians 12:12 NLB

How does the model that Steve Jobs set up compare to the work stations in your company, and what are ways to bring teams together to increase collaboration to benefit from individuals as a whole (cross-pollination)? What is your company doing during COVID-19 to create and sustain a collaborative environment?

Leis, M. 2020, February. Retrieved from